Norway Sweden
Cultur en Ontspanningscentrum, Postbox 542. Amsterdam VRIENDSCHAP (monthly) drawings and photos, also articles about women; $4.00 yearly; address as above; (may be ordered through ONE)
International Committee for Sex Equality, Postbox 542 Amsterdam NEWSLETTER (every other month) articles in English, French and German (no translation-duplications) $3.00 yearly; (may be ordered through ONE)
Det Norske Forbundet Av 1948, Postbox 1305, Oslo (No Publications)
Friends-Club, Box 1710, Gothenburg
(No Publications)
Riksforbundet For Sexueltt Likaberattigande, Postbox 850, Stockholm. (No Publications)
Switzerland Der Kreis/Le Cercle, Postbox 547, Zurich 22, Fraumunster
DER KREIS/LE CERCLE (monthly) published since 1936, in German; also articles in French and English (no translation duplications) drawings and photos; $7.00 yearly, first-class sealed $10; address as above. (May be ordered through ONE)
United States George W. Henry Foundation "Psychiatric treatment, counselling,
or help"; 184 Eldredge Street, New York 2, N. Y.
ANNUAL REPORTS, address as above.
Mattachine Society, P. O. Box 1925, Los Angeles 53 SOUTHERN AREA NEWSLETTER
ONE, Incorporated; Education, publishing, social service; 232 South Hill Street, Los Angeles 12
ONE (monthly) The Homosexual Magazine; address as above GAY (occasional) Pictorial supplement; cartoons, fiction T.W.O. (occasional for the present) News supplement Address all changes and corrections to Editorial Board, ONE
Since this fund was first established, as result of an article in the September 1953 issue, small contributions have come in, but the total has not amounted to $100. Nevertheless, the Fund has been used to send single copies and a few subscriptions to: editors, ministers, lawyers, judges and other public officials. It has provided the postage for many letters which have been written regarding the rights of homosexual American citizens to both friendly and unfriendly organizations and individuals. If ONE's readers are genuinely interested and show it by active support of the Fund, secretarial help can be employed and a larger program attempted.
Bureau of Public Information